Thursday, December 22, 2005

The frog who dreamed of being a King

Did you read about the frog who dreamed of being a King
And then became one
well except for the names and a few other changes
If you talk about me....
the story's the same one

Yep, 'I' the obstreperous monarch of cess-pool swamps
The Stalinist governer over swamp dominions.
'I' the ruler of pedagogue tadpoles and taciturn toads
'I' the law governing all beings that hiss, croak and infest

My seaweed banquets to pivot 'favours' in my favour
My confounded, ingenious legacy of 'plush' flies and 'gooey' gunk
My grave 'gargle' of truth
My solemn 'croak' of defiance...

Yep... 'I' the ignoramus Frog who dreamed of being a King
And then became one.

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