Thursday, December 22, 2005


Dexterous yearnings of doppelganger shadows
My ephemeral nuance
My nihilist gamekeeper

Sallow through my miasma of serpent tongues
And flaccid fortune,
Ride the waves of sardonic fury
My cerebral continents of marshmallow skies and candy-floss caverns

Let us roam these streets of forbidden flavors
Forever parting the skies of coterie comfort
Devil may care dances to solitary traveler tunes

Let us dance the dance
And sing the song…
In all its ontological corphorages
In all its dead pan silence.

You and I
Let us bury this truth
Let us live the lie.


  1. you seem to be sailing on on your blog odyssey pretty well for someone who just got started

    i love the way you gather up and garlandise words like so many wildflowers

    but indulge my ignorance just a bit - what the hell is a corphorage

  2. interesting interesting

    there should be a word for all those words you come across in books just once, barely find the meaning of and never find again

    nomad words - nowords u think?
    or ghost words - ghords?
