Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Lucifer’s letter to the Lord

8th January 2006,

Well... it seems we have now reached an impasse , yet again, my Dear (I always get frazzled at this point , excuse the quasi-offensive endearment)... let us just say my "respected" nemesis and creator- it shall work, as it has in the past.

I must acknowledge...you have made your point. Clearly I could not help but observe your nocuous attempts to get their attention, yet I have to say (pardon the rapscallion jab) but you are losing your touch, my friend. No subtlety ...absolutely none at all. They must have really done something this time, or is it me again? or are you just getting desperate?

The past few years, none can really refute, not even you- have proven to be in my favor...since I assume we are still keeping score. The perpetual nomenclature of "one-ups" chalks up to me, I believe. Gabriel so much as outright admitted it to my face. We both had a fair musing on the irony that I somehow manage to start such deliciously capricious feuds, completely in "your" name, we both know I have my gifts, you always said I was "rather" good with irony. However I can only assume by your most recent actions that you mean to teach them a lesson, put them in their place, per se.

I confess I am rather confounded, I really would have thought even YOU would have learned your lesson by now. They never 'do' get your subtext, if it was hard for Abraham, trust me 'they' wont get it, they hardly even listen to anything...He sat listening "only" for you! I bet you miss that, even though your stubborn self wont admit it! However I must bow down on this, the spectacles have been grand- as usual, mammoth was always a good look on you. Hurricane- followed by tornado's capped off with earthquakes...finally playing, are we? Granted you always manage to "one-up" me on "carthage" when the gloves really come off, but then again it isn’t as if I've disputed the point- your prerogative, I figure.

However I am writing simply to confirm something, how much longer are we to wait on this? I thought you had already decided to close-up shop? I’m thinking since I haven’t been informed otherwise- that the dates are still set. So I ask, what is all this then? going out with guns blazing, or are you still hoping for one last moment of enlightenment on their behalf...sigh, your faith in them never ceases to amaze me! But I suppose we both need to get going, then. As for your "let's stay out of this now, give them space, "sit-back-so" diatribe", I don’t think you ought to be surprised to find that I fear I cannot go along with you on that one. Call it my "Hippocratic Oath", I fully acknowledge I need to work twice as hard as you do, so call it my grudge against divine superiority, if you will. Just call it, ok?

I do have one request though..."do" stop with all the inducted theatrics, we both agree this is "your" epoch, I don’t need the fireworks to prove it... I hear you, loud and clear sensei. We both know you have dibs on the "special effects" conundrum, and it’s disconcerting to see you play my game. No really, it is! I grant you, I did not see it coming, you've been so chilled out for so long.

As an added afterthought I was wondering if the whole "women/ feminist" thing is going to come into play in the finale... or do you choose not to disclose? See …I do need to work harder, since you invent the rules, breaking them always requires an added ingenuity on my part. No worries, am FINALLY getting used to your wiles.

Btw (do you know they're actually "formally" using the abbreviated versions now? of course, you know! but its still worth mention...whatever you say, I still think the internet worked more in my favor than yours- btw...HA!) you must catch "Day after tomorrow" I had oodles of fun seeing how 'they' thought it would fall "out" of place, you might get some new ideas, although come to think of it you already inspired those ones...for the record, I’ve seen you do better.

Catch you at the finish line.

PS: wont be able to make it to the next meeting, I’m kind of working on a clock, seeing as you don’t work with "time" I know you'll excuse me on this. Plus we always end up arguing anyway and it’s getting redundant, even I get bored now...we need to spice it up, what say you?

xoxoxoxo (how trite of me)
Beelzebub, Lucifer, Satan

Still reigning ...Prince of Darkness


  1. beautiful

    i'm sure C. S. Lewis himself would have agreed you're seriously screwtapey

  2. the ghords the ghords
    today's ghords are - believe it or not - on the subject of ghords

    ghorden - a lush collection of ghords

    cataghorical - definitely a ghord

    ghordenia - a sweet little ghord

    ghorsh - the propah exclamation on finding or being presented with a new ghord

    ghorilla - one big mean kick-ass ghord

    ghory - this list

    ghorduru - the two of us of course (said seated in a Lotus position)

    ghorforsaken - the state of my brain right now

  3. i'm hurt by your accusations

    at least i kept away from ghordilicious, ghordy and forghotten

    anyways here are today's ghords NOT on the subject of ghordery

    afterloon - the fate of the mad dogs and englishmen who go out in the noonday sun

    booblight - a tubelight which can't make its mind whether to come on or die gracefully

    netch - a tobacco patch for the net deprived (No, I have no idea what it would look like)

    drunch - after binge lunch which is - surprise surprise - mostly booze

  4. compiling them are you?
    what a sucke... err sweet girl you are.

    if we doing compilations I'm thinking we could try topical ghords

    here goes
    today's topic - everyones's favourite - love

    netramp - a slut who can navigate the information highway

    smrile - the smile that comes when you know he/she is only doing that to rile you

    cryme - when hurting someone is a (non?)bailable offence

    soul-wait - the fate of all those idiots willing to wait for true love

    sick-up-line - somehow you always seem to get only those in bars
