Tuesday, January 10, 2006

All hail Moon Night

Am just contemplating the ironic hilarity that is being re-illustrated by the assorted moaning, baa-ing and moo-ing of numerous cows, sheep and goats today, all of which are to be tomorrows lunch fodder.
Funny story... all these animals are being oh-so ceremoniously "put-to" slaughter so that 'one fine day' btw i dont see this day as being particularly 'fine' cause its called "judgement day" which sounds kinda oozy. Anyway on this 'fine' day the afore mentioned "mass cattle carthage" will enable me to ride on my choice of animal...although cursed family heritage might ensure that i end up on a cow! (ephemeral and elusive curse known as the 'gujjar' virus or birth defect and as i am considered a "thoroughbred" version im assuming that makes moi a type A, 'dead on arrival' variety) and cross the fabled "pul seraat" as in seraat bridge to reach ....drumroll please.......PARADISE. Hoop la!
All this pervasive struggle only to have my dear Lord stand at the pearly gates and say "Sweetie didnt you get the memo, no-admittance zone" where i will have to ceremoniously "dis-mount" and let the bloody cow, goat or whatever manner of beast pass through as i look on forlornly...much resembling "All dogs go to heaven/ Hercules" flashbacks of the perpetual outsider, quivering pout and all.
THEN will have to make my way back... dare i say it - ON FOOT!

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