Friday, December 01, 2006

Patches and Goodbye's

It is an enormity of parallels.
To find oneself eclipsed between old songs and memories. I watched a History Channel biography on Cat Stevens yesterday and it brought back the days when I used to write purely for the sake of writing. A catharsis that can only be experienced by fellow misfits: Invisible people. When I was invisible I was invincible. My corners were a fortress of masked truths and free visions.
Much changes with freedom.

Today I know that I have lost some of my way. I have bent in a way I never thought I would, I have bent my mind. It used to be my body. It is a hard fact to admit: that we do many of the things we do, only to fit in. Even when we want to stand out, we still want to stand out in a manner that is contrived. The deepest chains bind you, when you are finally free.
And this time you are the gatekeeper.

Oh very young
What will you leave us this time

Youre only dancing on this earth for a short while
And though your dreams may toss and turn you now
They will vanish away like your daddys best jeans
Denim blue fading up to the sky

And though you want them to last forever
You know they never will…

And the patches make the goodbye harder still

Today I woke up to a Stevens playlist.
It opened with 'Love is in the Air' and for a brief moment while I was driving to work, Lahore was at its most magnificent. The tonga's swayed and the beggars smiled. And I marvelled at how a man who wrote songs that sang to the spirit could give them up for the notion that God doesn't like music or dancing or joy.

Then it closed with "I Love my Dog more than I love you".

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