A weird thought...
(Ok a weirder thought than usual)
A random debate about men and women, yes the umpteenth attempt at understanding the 'oh-so' elusive dynamic, has led me to believe that if little boys were encouraged to play with barbie's and little girls were encouraged to play with X-men and Transformers, perhaps half of the worlds differences could be taken care of, and we could FINALLY make way for new problems, in our ever-elusive, ingenious manner.
Think about it, on some underlying level is it not 'fundamentally' distrubing that little boys grow up playing with tiny men and little girls with pretty women?! Does it not 'fundamentally' screw us up somewhere 'up' there? Thereby laying the groundwork for years of damage that 'should' be inflicted by actual people. Seriously these little plastic contraptions are stealing our thunder, vying for equal "im gonna f**** you up rights", which are the singular driving motivation to becoming a parent.
Moreover does it not encourage men to be even more machismo...if possible, and girls to be flambouyantly girly-girl, ergo widening the already existing chasm.
Were roles to be reversed...maybe the girly-girlness in a little girl could be balanced by He-man machismo, and the Batman broodishness of little boys could be softened by Care Bear stares... leading to a tidy blend of inherent genetic make-up and instilled counter agents.
hmmm..hum dum dee dum doo dum dee dum.
Hmm can I picture mini-me with my barretted pigtails, running around with a BB gun, while my cousins run around with dolly's?!
(scratch it!)
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