Wednesday, February 01, 2006


"Don't! look at me in that tone of voice" you mandroid imp's of incontrovertible imperfections. Tread cautiously past my svengali of honest reparte'e. For here be dreagons!

"Don't! try to satiate the God in me" you philistine fanatics of ignorant fury. For I am my own woman- I am the Gurkhas in Nandu, the Hindu Atman, the Prarabdha and the zen catechism.

"Don't! move me to tears, you vivisecting demon of failed romances". Ephemeral "Georgie-Porgie" of my flaccid fantasies who kisses all the girls only to make them cry.

"Don't! bend my back and gnarl my hands, to see if I will falter" you sadist serpents of servile dominions . I bellow my boast- I won't!

so "Don't"!


  1. that was a good one - vivisecting demon....

    in honour of your post, and the likelihood that it'll be easier on you ghordically, here's today's ghordopic - family

    famjest - one of the endlest collection of stale jokes repeated at every family gathering

    peck in the nain - all those irritating kisses you're forced to give to (adoring?) aunts

    dipsofamiac - the one uncle/cousin who always manages to get drunk at these gatherings

    fwallflower - the one sad creature (yes yes its me) always sitting in the corner, wondering when the long day will end

  2. will use your (ghordic) silence to pick a slightly weird ghordopic - roads

    dieways - an obvious one

    wholey ground - pretty much the whole of Mumbai

    prayther - prayer offered up before crossing a road-kill laden path

    streelesst - treeless street, should be the default

    hearthpath - the road home, always welcome, when you're lucky enough to find it

    heartpath - as the song goes, the street where he/she lives

    streedling - dawdling down (as strictly opposed to 'hanging out' on) a street

  3. before i ghordope today why did you remove the most recent post?

    and commiserations on your temporary exile.
    there is however a silver lining to an unbearable vacation - your normal life will seem hiltonesque by comparison when you get back

    and without further ado the ghords..
    ghordopic, ghordopic hmm why not ( the nicer kind of Hilton) - hotels

    tipsy - the slight light headedness you feel after being ripped off of small change yet again

    restohaunt - the almost-always-empty 24 hrs coffee shop that seems built for the only foreign tourist always in it

    toss-and-yearn - the bed that never feels quite right

    cjerk - the idiot at the front desk

    hellboy - convinced that tossing your bags up and down while carrying them to your room is ever so charming

    billfrill - the extra shit they ALWAYS try to sneak into your bill
