Friday, October 27, 2023


I watch it all 

It's the least I can do

I let myself be 

Bombarded with images

Bombarded with feelings;

Tears coupled with Rage

All marked by helplessness

I find myself here again 

weeks later

Still watching ...

Still Bombarded with the 

Stale, polaroid aftertaste of Death

Charred bodies and the severed feet of children 

Still drowning in bitter waves of Rage

All while somewhere 

on a tiny strip of land 

they die.



with rockets, missiles, and fire

Sulphur and gas 

raining down on them 

from orange, apocalyptic skies...

Bombarded with 

flying, white arrows of apathy

Targeted pellets of PR venom


and Classified: 


'Towel Head.' 

'Human Animal' dying.

Not even worthy of being killed. 

Just dying...

There I go again

Using Their words 

Because those are the only words I was given 

to talk about



fed to me in a language 

made to kill me

Crafted to leave us all dead

Even before they kill us:

'Both Sides.' 

'Humanitarian Pause.'

'Self Defense.'


Tomorrow will come 

with the Sun

Just like it always does

Tomorrow I will go to work 

I will order a burger and fries

Tomorrow I will make sure 

I don't order McDonalds

That would be insensitive 

And despite all these Bombardments

I still have enough feeling left

in me 

to feel that.

Another Tomorrow

And I will teach a class

on how to make sense of a massacre

I will use words like:


'Radical Empathy.'



All words in Their language

Because me and mine 

Don't belong to ours anymore

Not for this

Not for what They do to us

We never had time to make our own words

while we were Bombarded with Theirs

Tomorrow I will say that 

History will remember Today

That I will remember

That we must remember 

But my Tomorrow 

will already be their Yesterday

And that is why 

None of my words 

will matter 

in the face of Their word


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