6th February, 1993
Dear Diary,
Baba wore a suit today.
I hate it when he wears suits. It is like he is someone else. They make him look rich.
They are also neat and straight and it takes me more than 11 minutes to iron them.
There are no colours or rumples and the ties are extremely stupid.
Why do people want to hang themselves with coloured silk stripes just so they can look like everyone else?
I don’t think I hate anything more than a suit.
Except diamonds.
I really, really hate diamonds.
suits make one look artificial..but i have to admit that never before i heard someone saying she hates diamonds and suits.. both at same time.. quite unusual.
ReplyDeleteone question out of curiosity.. how did you manage to save 17 years old diaries (assuming you are reposting selections from 1993 diary)
Well, im a bit of a hoarder when it comes to some old toys and especially my diaries. I moved around a lot as a kid, but i did manage to salvage some things. And yes, all these entries are reposted.
ReplyDeleteAs for the diamonds, well frankly considering that diamonds arent even technically precious stones the only thing they represent is money. So yep, always hated diamonds. :)
in that case, its some serious writing for a little kid. like they say.. is bache mein soo saal ki rooh hai (not always a blessing in long run)
ReplyDeletei won't say the same old thing that money isn't bad n its how you use it n blah blah. you already know that! what other reason you have for hating money or being rich so to speak?
'malang' is an interesting choice. i once thought of taking it when i started blogging but then ended up with a slightly different blend darwaish (n that too with a w not v). too bad i killed em just about a year ago!
There is much awesomeness in the fact that you're writing again.
ReplyDeleteI've managed to become quite a diarist in PMA, lets see how they read a decade or so from now.
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ReplyDeletei think you 'll be interested in this: http://www.backtoislam.com/why-i-became-muslim-left-islam-and-came-back-to-islam/
ReplyDeleteFor anonymous:
ReplyDeleteThank you for your concern, but I feel neither lost nor alone in my choices.
And i would appreciate not being proselytised to on my own site.
It can also be seen as an academic comparison of religions if you choose not to be judgmental. Sincere apologies though. It was stupid of me to post comment on a random blog like this.
ReplyDeleteMy sincere apologies then.
ReplyDeleteI would love to try and be impartial on matters concerning religion, i just find that to be an impossible task for anyone.
I reacted to your post because I often recieve such posts on my blog and they usually tend to be derogatory. I am sorry for mistaking your intent.
:) I see where you are coming from. everyone believe in something whether its believing in God, religion etc or denying or doubting them so i can't see how can one be impartial? besides, our views change with time and the more we learn. nothing is permanent which seems perfectly fine to me. we are not machines afterall.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, religion is not something you w'd question or critically examine in this country. its discouraged starting from home and punishable crime in schools. Most religious people i have come across dont even know why they believe in particular religion and why not any other when most religions of the world are based on more or less similar set of core principles. And people who w'd like to believe in God/Allah or whatever name you give, don't necessairly have a logical reason for it. May be its something builtin so strongly by our parents when we are kids or may be most of us need someone (human nature?) to turn to at times and its convenient to call it God. And yet, many people who believe in God are turned off by religion and even more by religious organizations that they belive man has created. Personally, when I look at religions of world and their highly organized mosques, madrassah system, temples, churches etc .. each with their own set of rules and regulations .. they seem much more worldly and manmade than a believer's personal feeling that they're connected to God. i can't be atheist or even agnostic techncially.
ignore this rambling if you have to.