“It’s a feeling you have that you know something about yourself nobody else does. The picture you have in your mind of what your about …will come true. That kind of a thing, you kinda have to keep to your own self, because it’s a fragile feeling and you put it out there and somebody will kill it. So its best to keep that all inside.”
-Bob Dylan, Interview for Rolling Stone Magazine
-Bob Dylan, Interview for Rolling Stone Magazine
“People are people wherever you go”, I cant really recall who said it, but the past few days all I have been thinking about is how its not really the fact that people don’t change, but that we don’t. I suppose a more trite spin on the existing epithet would be to say that I am the same, wherever I go. Ordinarily this ought to provide some consolation, constancy of character and all that… it doesn’t. I find that in my mind, too much rested on my changing along with my time zone and one transition without the other leaves something to be desired. It’s a lot like finding yourself lost in a music store, standing in front of a copy of the brand new Dylan album and missing your wallet. It’s being able to see and absorb a new life, but still being too scared to seize it and live it as you thought you would be able to if you were removed from the you, you were once bound to.
I’ve been going through quite a few of those “Tangled up in Blue” days, listening to way too much Dylan and Cohen for my own good, even reading both in my sparse spare moments and I find that there is a lingering loneliness that accompanies taking flight. Sure, it is seldom perceived under the sheer volume of new experiences and new insights, but it is there…the not having a sounding board part. I suppose it would be natural to say I miss home, while still being very clear that I don’t want to go back, but its much weirder the things that I do miss: things like Abbot road ke Channay and waiting for the light to turn green at Kalma Chowk while I’m heading to tell mom about something new I discovered, or read, or wrote, or thought or want. I miss the sense of security that comes with knowing there is no pressure to succeed or ‘be’ anything right now, that all that will come later. That, more than anything has changed. Later is now, Here is come and I find that the words are actually flooding my skin. Every day, while I wade my way through my endless readings I can feel them buzzing under my hairline and I know that if ever there was a time for me to write, or find what it was I wanted to write about in depth…it is now and it is here and that scares the shit out of me. That accompanied by the sheer, overwhelming sense of inadequacy that this city has the potential to hit you with all the time.
“Am I good enough?”
Probably not.
“Can I?”
Can you?.
“Cant I?
Cant you?.
“Will I fail?”
Do you want to fail?
“Will I succeed?”
Do you want to succeed?
“Will I be a roaring success?”
Whyever would you want to be a roaring success?
“Will I be labelled the Town Clown?”
Haven’t you always been the Town Clown?
“Does it matter?”
I don’t know, does it?
“Of course it matters!”
“Does it matter enough to stop me?”
Will you let it?
I suppose it is mostly the fact that I still don’t know how to talk to people. Sure I can babble – hopefully endearingly – to no end but I can’t confidently seek company. I am one of those quintessentially accidental, social junkies. I will mesh with backgrounds, contrive to place myself in situations where I can be alone with a book, while still remaining in a room which allows opportunity for company should I seek it. This allows me to keep my options open and bail at any given moment. Actual, no-nonsense dinner’s and parties still petrify me to no end, so I always pretend I have extra readings or laundry to do.
Besides numbing one’s senses a notch via inebriation, what else does one do at these things?
Although if I am remotely honest with myself it isn’t that - I have met and continue to meet and converse with more people now than I have ever done in my locked up life, it is the connection I miss: of choosing the company, of seeking out someone with similar interests to actually ‘talk to’ rather than just ‘talk with’. I have never really been great at juggling loads of people in my life, ironically I tend to be rather monogamous in my friendships. One real connection is more than enough for my over sensitized being, I can relish it and rest in it with ease.
Mostly it is the fact that I still can’t seem to shun my fucking rose-tinted glasses. I still cannot perceive steel grey hues and stark realities, I still need to paint the edges of every morning with lilacs and nutmeg. I still need to romanticise absolutely everything: cups of coffee, my bicycle, the weather, old bookstores and conversations with strangers on street corners. I cannot possibly conceive casual hook-ups and late night bar binges. I still need to be at the receiving end of ‘intellectual conversations’ rather than initiating them, and when I do happen upon one of those I still need to be the one laughing at myself. I suppose that is something I can still be grateful for, because not many people are prone to laughing at themselves here, most tend to consider themselves the Indent and Full stop to every possible sentence they utter.
This scares me like it never did before. Some part of me always relished the idea of being the naïve, romantic, sarcastic, whimsical idealist I was. It thrived on being the wordsmith carving in a language no one was interested in listening to anymore because it was so far removed from the granite reality of tomorrow. I shall admit that I quite liked being the perennial poet. I fancied myself this last, lost Balladeer forever trumpeting Beautitudes that were reminiscent of all the great poets that drove me to write: Dylan, Barrie, Cohen, Ginsberg, Tennyson. Some part of me, actually enjoyed the impracticality that came with being that lost cause, that odd little sprite that few could understand.
I’ve been going through quite a few of those “Tangled up in Blue” days, listening to way too much Dylan and Cohen for my own good, even reading both in my sparse spare moments and I find that there is a lingering loneliness that accompanies taking flight. Sure, it is seldom perceived under the sheer volume of new experiences and new insights, but it is there…the not having a sounding board part. I suppose it would be natural to say I miss home, while still being very clear that I don’t want to go back, but its much weirder the things that I do miss: things like Abbot road ke Channay and waiting for the light to turn green at Kalma Chowk while I’m heading to tell mom about something new I discovered, or read, or wrote, or thought or want. I miss the sense of security that comes with knowing there is no pressure to succeed or ‘be’ anything right now, that all that will come later. That, more than anything has changed. Later is now, Here is come and I find that the words are actually flooding my skin. Every day, while I wade my way through my endless readings I can feel them buzzing under my hairline and I know that if ever there was a time for me to write, or find what it was I wanted to write about in depth…it is now and it is here and that scares the shit out of me. That accompanied by the sheer, overwhelming sense of inadequacy that this city has the potential to hit you with all the time.
“Am I good enough?”
Probably not.
“Can I?”
Can you?.
“Cant I?
Cant you?.
“Will I fail?”
Do you want to fail?
“Will I succeed?”
Do you want to succeed?
“Will I be a roaring success?”
Whyever would you want to be a roaring success?
“Will I be labelled the Town Clown?”
Haven’t you always been the Town Clown?
“Does it matter?”
I don’t know, does it?
“Of course it matters!”
“Does it matter enough to stop me?”
Will you let it?
I suppose it is mostly the fact that I still don’t know how to talk to people. Sure I can babble – hopefully endearingly – to no end but I can’t confidently seek company. I am one of those quintessentially accidental, social junkies. I will mesh with backgrounds, contrive to place myself in situations where I can be alone with a book, while still remaining in a room which allows opportunity for company should I seek it. This allows me to keep my options open and bail at any given moment. Actual, no-nonsense dinner’s and parties still petrify me to no end, so I always pretend I have extra readings or laundry to do.
Besides numbing one’s senses a notch via inebriation, what else does one do at these things?
Although if I am remotely honest with myself it isn’t that - I have met and continue to meet and converse with more people now than I have ever done in my locked up life, it is the connection I miss: of choosing the company, of seeking out someone with similar interests to actually ‘talk to’ rather than just ‘talk with’. I have never really been great at juggling loads of people in my life, ironically I tend to be rather monogamous in my friendships. One real connection is more than enough for my over sensitized being, I can relish it and rest in it with ease.
Mostly it is the fact that I still can’t seem to shun my fucking rose-tinted glasses. I still cannot perceive steel grey hues and stark realities, I still need to paint the edges of every morning with lilacs and nutmeg. I still need to romanticise absolutely everything: cups of coffee, my bicycle, the weather, old bookstores and conversations with strangers on street corners. I cannot possibly conceive casual hook-ups and late night bar binges. I still need to be at the receiving end of ‘intellectual conversations’ rather than initiating them, and when I do happen upon one of those I still need to be the one laughing at myself. I suppose that is something I can still be grateful for, because not many people are prone to laughing at themselves here, most tend to consider themselves the Indent and Full stop to every possible sentence they utter.
This scares me like it never did before. Some part of me always relished the idea of being the naïve, romantic, sarcastic, whimsical idealist I was. It thrived on being the wordsmith carving in a language no one was interested in listening to anymore because it was so far removed from the granite reality of tomorrow. I shall admit that I quite liked being the perennial poet. I fancied myself this last, lost Balladeer forever trumpeting Beautitudes that were reminiscent of all the great poets that drove me to write: Dylan, Barrie, Cohen, Ginsberg, Tennyson. Some part of me, actually enjoyed the impracticality that came with being that lost cause, that odd little sprite that few could understand.
But it is nothing short of terrifying today.
The underlying denial is so palpable it has been driving me to tears –literally- at the weirdest of junctures, in coffee shops and while waiting in line for the ATM machine. The fluttering tension behind my eyelids is so ripe it ought to be sliced with a machete.
See, it is an actual choice that needs to be made now.
It is no longer a far off ideal.
Crunch time, if you will.
I must either choose to continue as myself - as Beentherella, who apparently is real and not a manufactured figment of my need for attention or I can change tack and be what I need to be to be something more. Even as I write this I can hear Mohammad Ali roaring in my head “I know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want to be.”
You see the dichotomy arises in the simple fact that those who can stick to that sense of individuality, that notion of freedom and autonomy are special. They are it, and they know it. I am unsure on both counts. Wavering and completely low on ‘faith, trust and pixie dust’. Exactly how much of a narcissist does one have to be, to believe that they are exempt from ordinariness, that they can push beyond it because –for some reason- they deserve better and shall get it?
See, it is an actual choice that needs to be made now.
It is no longer a far off ideal.
Crunch time, if you will.
I must either choose to continue as myself - as Beentherella, who apparently is real and not a manufactured figment of my need for attention or I can change tack and be what I need to be to be something more. Even as I write this I can hear Mohammad Ali roaring in my head “I know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want to be.”
You see the dichotomy arises in the simple fact that those who can stick to that sense of individuality, that notion of freedom and autonomy are special. They are it, and they know it. I am unsure on both counts. Wavering and completely low on ‘faith, trust and pixie dust’. Exactly how much of a narcissist does one have to be, to believe that they are exempt from ordinariness, that they can push beyond it because –for some reason- they deserve better and shall get it?
Is it really only about believing it enough and letting that carry you, sustain you and challenge you to face the alone-ness that comes with being a troubadour of any sort? Because no matter how much of an idealist I am on my better and badder days
…that is a tall order.
Don't worry you can.
ReplyDeleteBut. There is always the but.
You have a problem with your texts. Try to using as few words as you can to put forth your thoughts. This has many uses. One being that you see right away if what you are writing is worth wile. Often it is not. Cutting the text down to it's core will in my view also benefit style. ( I'm not sure if 'style' is understood in the way by English writers, as it is understood by Icelandic writers. It is 'the art of your writing'. - If a writer has true style his text will be beautiful even if it is nonsense. )
As I write this I smile to myself, because I believe you will never use my advice. You strike me as the person that will rather do the opposite than heeding advice concerning something as personal as your writing. I am also wondering why on earth I am wasting my time giving advice that I know will not be heeded. But I guess it is just in my nature.
Another thing that is getting in the way of your success or advancement as a writer, call it what you will. It is the discrepancy between you ego and your self esteem. Your ego is inflated like balloon but your self esteem seems to be in the toilet. Solution. Deflate your ego and raise your self esteem. Of course I can't tell how to achieve this, I can only give you a goal to aim for. Frankly, I am aiming for it too.
To put it simply you need to get out of your teenage writing. Why you still write like this I don't know. A lack of a mentor perhaps? Or is there a teacher's praise to blame? Did you get good grades for loading your text with every highbrow word you kept in your mental dictionary? It might be a way to get a good grade from a mediocre teacher but it sure doesn't cut it as real writing.
Think of it this way. Do you believe in god? If so, imagine that you are writing to god. He knows everything and sees right through all your petty insecurities and pretentious masking. If you do not believe in god, then think of it this way. Who do you love? I mean really really love. Imagine you are suspended in time at the deathbed of that person. What would you want to say? What is the essence of your message to this person. What is the last message you want to convey to this person before you will be separated for all eternity? Find this message and imagine that it is you that is dying. What is your message to this world?
What am I getting at? I believe it is called honesty. It is not the honesty of banal conversations. It is a honesty of the deepest kind. If communication and honesty are two rivers, they become one in the silent depths whence they originate, a place where every word must be silent, the place furthest from the shallows of the seashore. Find this well with in you. It can be the sole source of true writing, as it is for art, as it is for communication. Is it not communication that we aspire to? Be it out of loneliness or not.
It takes courage that not many possess to truly communicate. It can not be done with out honesty of a deep kind. ( I don't need to tell you that we use plenty of masks when writing a novel, or what be it, but the core of the message, that is what the novel is, this that needs honesty.) Find the honesty, and find the courage to use it.
So don't think for a moment that this is written out of ill will or a wish to impress; this is written out of honesty and perhaps a childish tendency to make things right.
But if you will not take my advice then take Stephen King's. I thought it was pretty good and to the point.
( As always, I feel the urge to excuse myself when I write more than a few lines in english. It is not the language I write in. )
Take care.
Thank you for your input, even though i am afraid i cant agree with a lot of it. But i definitely appreciate the intent.
ReplyDeleteHonestly speaking most of the 'writing' that takes place on this forum is hardly 'writing' it is grandiose journal writing, which is usually what blogging is. I wouldnt say that there is anything eally getting in the wau of my advancement as a writer, but myself actually 'writing' something that i would send in for publishing. Most of what i write here are observations, one off pieces, ramblings really. Im not excusing their merit or lack thereof...only clarifying their purpose.
I can almost relate to what you say about ego's and self esteem. While i would like to think that my ego is not an inflated balloon, i do admit to having an image of my own writing within my head and the direction where i want to take it. So i take that point, but with regards to that and self esteem. Isnt it bad to have both in equal measure...that would truly make someone hard to tolerate.
I never really understand what you mean when you say 'teenage writing'. Is it the content, the emotiveness or the style. Because you have said that the style is very wordy...thats hardly teenage. It is emotional but, that is what i choose to write about, that would be my honest place...if there is such a place. I cant abide hackneyed spiritual references in writing to truth...i think the truest it can ever get is when you're not trying for it.
regardless, thankyou for your critique i wont do the opposite of heeding your advice, i suppose i shall weed through it to what i can use :)
Excuse my late reply ( as I believe it was expected ).
ReplyDeleteI do understand, and I do realize the nature of your writing here and I do not intend to disturb or find fault with it's casual nature. I guess creativity needs casualty to bloom.
What is to be taken from the phrase teenage writing is, I suppose, the sense you get from the reading. Constituting most basically of your style and the content of your writing.
At the heart of your 'problem' lies the wordiness of your style. Eliminating this flaw from your writing brings you farthest in making your writing presentable. But as it is ( and I realize that this is just a blog ) your writing is out of control.
I do find your uncontrolled use of words childish. It displays your knowledge of English vocabulary, and that is to be applauded, but it does not show a good sense of style. It is a display, a front, a mask, a shelter to hide in. Lets put it another way. Have you not noticed the tendency of young girls to use to much makeup? You tend to apply vocabulary to your writing as a teenage girls tend to apply makeup to their face. This is probably hard to take from some stranger online that you know noting about. But it is the truth all the same.
I have no business in making editorial comments on the contents of your writing. As you say it is a blog. Besides you will find your own way there as you will find your own way in your life. So it is not a matter of skill, it is a matter of experience.
Perhaps I am making your life difficult, and I do apologize, by making you self conscious in your here on this blog. But I do not expect you to change your style here, as if I had any say on it. But I expect you to remember my advice for the time when you hear it again, because you will, and then hopefully you will take it to heart.
Again I remind you that I would not waste my time in writing this if it was ill intended.
Best wishes.
actually put the way you have this time around, i do see your point. I - to a large extent - even agree with your point with the makeup analogy. Even though it is never really a conscious effort, i do think that it stems from some form of cover-up.
ReplyDeleteActually it takes more effort for me to write...as you put it, simply, in concise terms. But i do take the point that a balance needs to be struck and i shall work on it.
"to believe that they are exempt from ordinariness, that they can push beyond it"...
ReplyDeletei think 'ordinariness' is a construct. nothing is more extraordinary than something ordinary.
so do not burn in the idea of not deserving or being something 'extraordinary'. Rise above the fear or need to be one or the other, is my paltry advice.
when you say 'ordinary' the way you do, you remind me of my dad telling me i shouldn't be 'mediocre' and calling me 'mediocre' with a barely-masked sneer if I failed his expectations which wasn't often at all but traumatizing enough! ... until i discovered that 'mediocre' does not exist except for those who view the world in terms of tight systems : professional, corporate, academic, national... systems that need 'averages' and 'definition of averages according to narrow criteria' to survive and perpetuate. I am not part of a system and neither are you if you will. I am foolish enough to fancy myself free and part of things as unsystematic as a family, community, humanity.
PS best of luck at oxford.
-'other Problems like Maria' :)