Am of late, experiencing the mind numbing solace which goes along with being a working-class hero, in a middle-class morals, corporate cache'. am also finding it increasingly ironic that my bohemian, artist-self is not yet screaming with unbridled candor from the rooftops at the drail town drudgery of hearing the same conversations and seeing the same typo's day in, day out.
Have been dismally disillusioned by ' THE MAN'; he aint got no sense of humor, no sense of bloody adventure, and working for him sucks. But then again it pays, so we fools compromise.
yep, the mind numbing numbness of routine, how do people stand it? but then again, we live to learn or so they say, ive always figured it for the opposite. Now i sit my days waiting for my shift to be over, to go home, read a book, drink a coke, write something...short of using electro-shock, i am determined to try "everything" else to help spurt back some of my looniness, back into my life, being 'sane' sucks!
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